Marriage is like a plant. It needs to be watered, weeded and manured.
Water your marriage regularly with a can of true love, prayer, forgiveness, dates…. Something to think about – Do you go on dates with your spouse regularly?
Weed away malice, unforgiveness, disrespect, nagging, negative words, bad habits… from your marriage.
Apply manure to your marriage – respect, submission, speak positive (kind, soul lifting, comforting, encouraging) words to each other… This Bible passage sums it up. “and submit to each other out of respect for Christ. For example, wives should submit to their husbands as if to the Lord. A husband is the head of his wife like Christ is head of the church, that is, the savior of the body. So wives submit to their husbands in everything like the church submits to Christ. As for husbands, love your wives just like Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. That’s how husbands ought to love their wives—in the same way as they do their own bodies. Anyone who loves his wife loves himself. In any case, as for you individually, each one of you should love his wife as himself, and wives should respect their husbands.”
Ephesians 5:21-25, 28, 33 CEB
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